About Us

What we do

Based in Queensland Australia, Maddog Composites are experts in sailplane maintenance, products & all things gliding in Australia.

Maddog Composites specialises in high quality Composite Repairs and Painting. 

We are the Australian Dealers for LX nav, leading the market in Navigational Devices, Variometers and Flying accessories. The LXnav eCopilot is designed for LSA, UL and experimental aircraft and offers a modular system that is customisable to your needs – Make it yours!

As the Australian supplier of Kerry Covers we are always expanding our inventory and offer a variety of high quality, affordable and user friendly Aircraft Covers. Quick-tie systems allow for easy fitting, with hail protection covers offering the highest level of protection. 

Visit Maddog Composites at the Brisbane Airshow for all your Composite, Instrument and Aircraft Cover needs.